Tag: <span>selective</span>

4 Selective Pallet Racking Advantages

5 years ago
Selective pallet racking is commonly used in racking systems that accommodate flexibility in slotting design, which is ideal for high turnover, high SKU stock count and quick product accessibility. Single selective pallet rack is a cost-effective design that allows the maximum number of SKU pick facings in a standard rack and adds a number of […]
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4 Advantages To Utilizing Double Deep Selective Pallet Racking In Your Warehouse

5 years ago
Double deep selective racking solutions provide twice the pallet positions per aisle of single selective racking, maximizing pallet storage while remaining a very basic rack configuration. Inventory flow changes to a FILO (First In, Last Out) configuration, which decreases selectivity, but the storage to aisle space ratio improves significantly. Here are 4 advantages to using […]
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What are the different types of rack and why select one vs. another?

7 years ago
There are many different types of pallet racking configurations that can be selected by end users depending on their storage needs. They range from  low density selective rack all the way to high-density pushback , drive in, and pallet flow systems. Each configuration has advantages and disadvantages: Selective Pallet Rack: Single selective pallet rack is […]
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