Taking Cube Utilization to New Heights
Advance Storage Products was recently chosen to provide a storage solution for Torrance, CA based Seville Classics. A footprint of an area measuring 65’ long by 22’ wide actually provides storage for an amazing 825 pallets.
Bringing innovative products such as steel shelving units and unique, high-quality household items to homes and businesses for over 20 years, Seville Classics’ award-winning industrial designers and engineers research and develop new products, while constantly improving their existing line.
Their product line, which is high in bulk and low in SKU’s, is sold by pallet to national bulk retailers such as Costco and Sam’s Club. Seville’s product is received in containers; the containers are stripped, the product is moved to pallets, and the pallets are moved to the first-in, first-out staging area to be loaded on trucks for delivery to its customers.
The firm operates three separate manufacturing facilities to provide the best quality and pricing for its customers. With an increased amount of product coming in from China and Taiwan, Seville Classics’ existing buildings were quickly filled to capacity. At that point, their appointed contractors suggested they bring in a warehouse consultant to obtain optimum results for their expansion.
Seville Classics brought in a consultant to coordinate the erection of a new 330,000 sq. ft. building in the nearby Harbor City area of Torrance. The project was put out to bid, and Advance Storage Products was chosen because of our commitment to quality, our innovative solutions, and our user-friendly, 1-on-1 approach with our customers. Advance’s International Sales Manager, Jim Rahm and his highly-skilled project management team, devised a system of pallet flow modules that is able to handle the large number of pallets that need to be staged from the receiving area to the shipping dock. The result is a 15-deep pallet flow system that looms 28’ high – quite unusual by common standards.
By cube utilizing the facility and storing product as high as possible, Seville Classics’ storage capacity has significantly increased, along with their ability to handle the throughput of product moving through their facility.