Communication Is Key:
- Understand risk factors, develop a plan for addressing key problem areas and give employees the platform for addressing key problems on the job during day-to-day operations
- Bottom-up communication is vital for successful risk management because although management understands potential issues, workers working in risky environments have a more sophisticated understanding of each risk associated with their particular job requirement
- Open communication organizes safety initiatives to continuously improve safety protocol in the warehouse
Employee Training Consistency:
- Consistent training and process updates keep safety protocol at the forefront of daily operations and is vital to establishing a consistently safe work environment
- Organization wide adoption will help construct an environment of safety experts on the floor and in the office to assess risky situations and ensure all protocol is adhered to whenever applicable
Visible Safety Signs And Placards:
- Should be placed in all heavy traffic areas and around complex and dangerous machinery that is used in most warehousing or manufacturing facilities (emergency steps, safety protocol, product details, hazard warnings)
- Safety resources reflect proper safety etiquette as well as emergency information should safety protocol be breached
Appoint Qualified Safety Managers:
- Safety manager organizes safety protocol in a coherent application for the entire organization and tracks injuries and near misses to address high risk areas
- Provides employees with a direct contact and resource to support all safety initiatives and promote a safe warehouse environment
Frequent Racking System Inspections:
- Safety inspection of uprights and joints should be conducted regularly to maintain load capacity compliance and system weight distribution
- Frequent inspections by a qualified engineer identifies system hazards for immediate repair
For more rack safety, repair or inspection information please refer to our Pushback and Rack Safety page.